About us / Meer oor ons
Rising from the ashes of Protea Bookshops, Aristata Bookshops is an exciting new business in the book industry.
Aristata Bookshops is named after the Protea Aristata, which is indigenous to the Klein Swartberg Mountain, as a nod to both our history as Protea Bookshops and to our founder, Doctor Nicol Stassen's own youth and upbringing in the mountains near Ladismith.
Starting with one branch in June 2023 we have already opened 2 other branches, with yet another opening in Cape Town soon! With more than 30 years worth of knowledge and experience we are excited for the challenges the future may bring, and to -once again- be a household name for all your pursuits in reading!
Aristata Boekwinkels het ontstaan vanuit die as van Protea Boekwinkels en is 'n opwindende nuwe besigheid in die boekbedryf.
Aristata Boekwinkels is vernoem na die Protea Aristata, wat inheems aan die Klein Swartberg is, as 'n kopknik na ons eie geskiedenis as Protea Boekwinkels en na ons stigter, doktor Nicol Stassen, se eie jeug in die berge naby Ladismith.
Vanaf een tak in Junie 2023 het ons reeds 2 addisionele takke geopen, met nog 'n tak binnekort in Kaapstad! Met meer as 30 jaar se kennis en ervaring in die boekbedryf is ons opgewonde oor die uitdagings wat die toekoms mag inhou, en om -weereens- 'n huishoudelike naam te wees vir al jou leesavonture!